Matt Reeves’ Batman 2 delayed from October 2024 until...

The Batman Part 2 gets a disappointing update ahead of the movie preparing to start production in 2025. Thankfully, it isn't all bad news.
The Batman. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/ ™ & © DC Comics. Pictures release. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The Batman. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/ ™ & © DC Comics. Pictures release. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Recently, Matt Reeves and Zoe Kravitz did an interview for Variety where they discussed the creation process of The Batman Part 2. Among the other things talked about is Reeves' The Batman sequel being released in October of 2026. Unfortunately, new circumstances have caused the movie to be moved from October 2026 to October 2027.

The writers' and actors' strike and the pandemic were enough to push the project back. But, according to Screen Rant, an unknown movie starring Tom Cruise and Alejandro G. Iñárritu has taken its 2026 spot. That certainly didn't help its release. Plus The Batman Part 2 will reportedly be “VFX heavy” leading to more setbacks. However, the production is scheduled to be finished in the summer. That, on top of the VFX and Tom Cruise’s upcoming project and you get the delays.

That being said, no one should be shocked that the movie suffered setbacks and we should expect more. 

ROBERT PATTINSON as Batman in Warner Bros. Pictures’ action adventure “THE BATMAN,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures/™ & © DC Comics. © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Robert Pattinson joked that he’d retire after The Batman trilogy ended. This was a light-hearted shot at the sequel taking forever to be filmed and released. While this writer doesn’t think Pattinson will quit acting after the third Dark Knight movie ends, it’s realistic to believe more delays are coming and that the trilogy may become only a two-parter.

Marvel Studios’ Blade project has acquired and lost creative staff for the film and done rewrites of the script. At this point, this writer doubts we’ll see Mahershala Ali as the Day Walker. Now, there’s a difference between Blade and Batman. The Caped Crusader is a top-tier hero with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and Blade is more of a cult character for comic book fans. The Wesley Snipes Blade movies are looked at as groundbreaking, but that was two decades ago.

Second, The Penguin did too well for Warner Bros to give up on the Universe. Reeves is already talking with Lauren LaFranc about Oz Cobb and Sofia Gigante returning for a second season. This showed that Batman characters don’t need The Dark Knight to be successful. And say what you will about Gotham (and I’m sure you will), but the show went on for 100 episodes on Fox. Both prove there’s an audience for things Batman-related even without the Bat.

Since the cancelation of The Batman trilogy isn’t imminent, let’s save this discussion for another article. Stay tuned to Caped Crusades to see if more delays or cancelations are coming.