Batman’s influence on comic books is easy to see. He’s the reason people like heroes with flaws. Not having powers constantly leaves him at a disadvantage. It makes his victories more satisfying. But if he influenced things outside of comics, who are the characters who impacted The Dark Knight in the comics?
This article will break down the ten most influential people in Bruce Wayne and Batman’s life. Most of the characters on this list are obvious, but some aren’t. For example, certain villains helped make Batman who he is in DC Comics and mainstream media by making his life hell. Others in this article helped keep Bruce's heart soft when tragedy struck. Let’s begin with someone who taught Batman humility.
10. Bane
Bane's appearance and victory in Batman: Knightfall shocked the comic book world. Batman had been beaten before, but he hadn't been broken. The infamous back-breaker was the moment when comic book fans looked at The Dark Knight’s villains differently.
The Monster from Santa Prisca wasn’t just a big guy on an enhancement drug, he was a genius planner comparable to Batman. That forced comic book creators to step their game up when it came to The Caped Crusader's antagonists. It's why they've all gotten smarter and tougher.
9. Superman
Everyone needs a friend in their lives who calls them out on their nonsense. It’s usually a like-minded person with an opposite personality. In this case, there’s Superman and Batman.
They’re easily the most iconic superhero duo of all time and have helped each other save the world multiple times. It’s why there’s always a Batman and Superman comic book in circulation. They're total opposites whose dynamic keeps people intrigued and, a lot of the time, laughing. Because when Bruce is trying to be stoic, Clark Kent remains optimistic and smiling.
8. Jason Todd
It may not seem like it, but Jason Todd has drastically influenced Bruce’s life. It was more than the angry and more aggressive period after Jason was killed (Batman: A Death in the Family). He’s learned patience, understanding, and trust. He’s seen Jason attempt to be better, fail, and try again. While people look at Alfred and Dick Grayson and see perfection and Jason as the screw-up, Bruce looks at his son and sees something more. He sees the truth that people can be better if they try.
7. Tim Drake
Without Tim Drake becoming Robin, Batman would have done something he’d never come back from. His rage and anger may have turned him into a killer. Thankfully, Tim learned The Dark Knight’s secret identity and became Robin. He was the first of his sidekicks to choose the vigilante life instead of being recruited. He also helped Bruce recover his smile.
6. Catwoman
When Bane wanted Batman’s spirit broken (Tom King's Batman), he set it up for Bruce and Selina Kyle (Catwoman) to become a couple just to take the happiness away. He knew that she was a weak spot for Bruce in his personal and professional life no matter what side of the law she was on. The result was Bruce Wayne becoming sloppy sloppy and almost dying. The good news is she came back into his life and built him back up.
Bruce is also vulnerable around Selina Kyle in a way he can’t be with anyone else. He smiles more and publicly displays his affection for her. One time, he puts on Superman’s costume so they can go on a double date (Batman No. 37). Think about that last part for a second and let it sink in.
5. Commissioner Gordon
Superman may be Bruce Wayne’s best friend, but Jim Gordon is his work bestie. The two of them share a love and disappointment for Gotham City that no one else understands. Kal-El and Bruce may be closer in age, we all know Bruce's soul is as old as Jim's. Plus, without Jim’s help, The Dark Knight would never have been able to operate in Gotham without the police shooting at him.
4. Joker
Over time, Joker has become the most disturbing person in the Bat Family’s lives by beating, manipulating, and killing them. That all weighs heavy on Batman’s soul because, as much as Bruce wants to kill him, he won't break his code. However, that’s only part of what makes Joker so influential.
Joker helped define who The Dark Knight is in media. Without him, it’s doubtful he gets a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Their rivalry alone is enough to get people’s attention without so much as a preview or teaser. And despite them fighting a lot, in DC Comics, movies, and TV, the Clown Prince of Crime continues to be an unpredictable menace.

3. Dick Grayson
Dick Grayson is the person Bruce can count on more than anyone in the world. Sure, Alfred was always there with a helping hand, but there’s something about Dick. Maybe it’s the familiarity of their parents' tragic deaths that brought them closer together. Or it could be decades of working as the Dynamic Duo. But, if this writer is being honest, Dick Grayson being Bruce’s son is the reason there’s any love left in his heart.
2. Joe Chill
You can’t have a list like this without the person who started it all. Joe Chill is the guy who killed Thomas and Martha Wayne in Crime Alley and set everything in motion. Without that moment, there isn’t a Batman. Bruce may have grown up and become a different superhero, but Chill is the reason Bruce took the oath to become vengeance.
1. Alfred Pennyworth
Alfred Pennyworth. is the only person who could top this list. After Bruce’s parents died, Alfred raised Bruce to become the man we see today. Among the lessons he taught him is compassion. Yes, I understand the irony since Bruce spends his nights beating people up. Nevertheless, Batman doesn’t kill and tries his best to talk people down. It’s a quality he learned from Alfred.
This writer can’t forget that Alfred helped Batman on missions. He stayed in the Batcave and did things like looking up files, mapping out routes, and analyzing clues. We’re seeing how much of an influence he had in his life with him gone. There are times when Bruce looks lost and wouldn't be if Alfred was still alive. Hopefully, that will be rectified this year. Stay tuned to Caped Crusades to see if that happens.
Were all of Batman's influences on this list? Who else should be on here? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Bluesky, Instagram, and Twitter.