10 Things We Want from Batman and the Bat Family in 2025

Will we see the return of a well-liked character in 2025? Should more new Batman villains be created? Who should make an appearance with Absolute Batman? Find out that and more in this article.

Harley Quinn season 2, episode 1, "New Gotham." Image Courtesy Warner Bros. Television Distribution/DC Universe
Harley Quinn season 2, episode 1, "New Gotham." Image Courtesy Warner Bros. Television Distribution/DC Universe

We all have our favorite comic book characters and we want them to have a great 2025. Here at Caped Crusades, we're no different. However, the site focuses on Batman, his villains, and the Bat Family characters. And with that comes an article on things we want to see from them in 2025. Let’s start with a beloved character.

Alfred Pennyworth’s return

It’s been long enough. We’ve seen Bruce Wayne improve as a person and hero without Alfred, but it’s time to bring him back. It doesn’t matter if Alfred plays a smaller role in the Bat Family’s life. Fans love Alfred and certainly miss him.

More new villains

DC Comics writers have made it a point to create new villains like Commander Star and the trend should continue. Joker, Two-Face, and the rest of Batman’s enemy gallery are great and all, but expanding it means more options for the future. These antagonists can leave Gotham and torment heroes around the world. Maybe become vigilantes themselves like Ghost-Maker.

Batman Day 2024. Image courtesy DC Comics

Ghost- Maker

Speaking of Ghost-Maker (real name Minhkhoa Khan), we need to see more of him outside of Batman Inc. He’s an interesting character whose background and goals should be explored. He’s the kind of character people could get behind and possibly end up with an animated project. He's just as skilled as Bruce Wayne if not more with enough justified arrogance to spare. Plus he’s smoother than silk when he’s flirting.


This writer believes that Bane is Batman’s deadliest enemy. Joker is his most persistent and maybe most popular, but Bane has the strength, patience, and intelligence to do things that even impress the Clown Prince of Crime. Since he hasn’t been a major player since City of Bane, 2025 would be a good year to reestablish him.

Harley Quinn with the Bat Family

James Tynion made Harley an important part of the Bat Family during his run of Batman (Fear State and Joker War) and it worked. She added humor and mischief to a team that needed it. She was also crucial in keeping Gotham safe.

It’s been a while since she’s been in the pages of Batman or Birds of Prey and 2025 should rectify that. Especially Birds of Prey. Kelly Thompson wrote her perfectly.

A Damian Wayne comic book

The last time Damian Wayne was in a solo comic book it rocked (Robin by Joshua Williamson). Readers get to see that he’s more than Bruce Wayne's son and a petulant sidekick. If he’s going to become Batman one day, he needs to grow as a character. The only way that can happen is with more solo stories. Even if it's only a mini or maxi-series.

Bat and Cat

The “Will they or won’t they” saga is cute, but it would be nice to see them together for real and for a while. Tom King’s stories were a tease of something many fans want. It’s clear that they love and make each other better so why don’t they make it official? It doesn’t have to be in main continuity, but a story about them staying together and raising a family would be a hit.

More art from Bruno Redondo

Admittedly, this is a personal pick. Bruno Redondo does amazing work creating the Bat Family. Every one of his pictures flawlessly shows the emotion the scene is supposed to depict. He’s also a creative genius. The issues of Nightwing where everything was one long scene (Nightwing No. 87) and the other that was from Dick Grayson's eyes (Nightwing No. 105) are great examples of this. If I had my way, he’d be the artist on a new Red Hood project.

Red Hood and the Outlaws

As much as this writer would like a solo Red Hood series, he works better on a team and the return of Artemis and Bizarro would be good. It felt like there was unfinished business with them and they haven't been as popular since Red Hood and the Outlaws ended. So this wouldn’t be just for Jason Todd. It would help Artemis and Bizarro too.

Absolute Wonder Woman No 1. Image courtesy DC Comics

Absolute Trinity

The meeting of Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman in the Absolute Universe is inevitable. Since it will be a monumental moment, it should be treated with the importance it's warranted. It could end the year or be a giant-sized collaboration of all three titles. It helps that it’s something DC Comics fans are waiting for. Because of that, the creative teams won’t keep their readers waiting.

What are some things you want to see from Batman and the Bat Family in 2025? Were they on this list? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Bluesky, Instagram, and Twitter.