James Gunn has a title in mind for Batman/Superman team-up

James Gunn was asked what he would call a team-up movie with Batman and Superman and his answer will make comic book fans happy.
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest | Comic Teaser | DC
Batman/Superman: World’s Finest | Comic Teaser | DC | DC

As the Co-chairman and co-CEO of DC Studios, James Gunn will receive questions regarding future DC Comics movies and shows. Now that Superman has a release date (July 11, 2025) there are queries surrounding Batman. Who’s playing the Dark Knight? Will we see Robert Pattinson in his universe? Is he teaming up with Superman? There are uncertainties with some of these except the latter. That one is almost a guarantee.

A Batman and Superman movie with James Gunn behind the wheel is assured money. Everyone loves both characters. Recently on Threads, James Gunn was asked what he’d call a movie featuring the popular DC Comics characters and gave the perfect answer. He went with “World’s Finest”.

The first time Superman and Batman teamed up in the modern era of movies was in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. The name may have seemed clunky, but it got the point across. It said who was in the film and hinted at things to come. However, World’s Finest is shorter and has a nice ring to it. Plus, it connects to the source material.

Not only will comic book fans will appreciate it, but if people want to read about the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel, they’ll have a title to look into. Among them is Mark Waid’s comic book series, Batman/Superman: World’s Finest. A series that details Bruce and Clark’s earlier days as friends and peers. At times, movies and shows don’t connect to comic books. Nevertheless, it’s always a good idea to try.

The projects will usually make millions of dollars, but that doesn’t mean you should forget about the comics. They’re the reason the franchises exist. Using World’s Finest connects to a series that dates back to 1941. Once they get into one issue, it could create a snowball effect that gets people into other comic books starring Batman and Superman.

Knowing James Gunn, a Batman/Superman: World’s Finest movie will be everything a fan would want. It’ll have the initial disagreement between the two heroes that leads to their eventual friendship. Hopefully, it’ll be more wholesome and not involve the name Martha.

Stay tuned to Caped Crusades to find out what’s next for Batman in James Gunn’s DC Universe.

What other Batman movies, shows, and comic books would you like to hear about? We want to hear from you. You can email us at entertainment@fansided.com