Tom Taylor’s Nightwing was more than a superhero story

Every writer will create a different version of a comic book character. When it comes to Nightwing, Tom Taylor may have set the bar for Dick Grayson the person.
Nightwing #81 Pride variant cover by Travis G. Moore. Image courtesy DC Comics
Nightwing #81 Pride variant cover by Travis G. Moore. Image courtesy DC Comics

Back in 2021, Tom Taylor started his run of Nightwing. At the time, I hadn’t read many titles starring Dick Grayson. However, a buddy of mine is a huge fan of the former Boy Wonder and I enjoy Tom Taylor’s writing. The combination of the two prompted this writer to give him a chance. It was a decision that I’ll always remember fondly.

This run of Nightwing became one of the best Bat Family runs including the Dark Knight. Not because it was action-packed (even though it was). This series was more than a superhero story. It was a message to the world. Nightwing: Leaping into the Light is the first arc in this run and sets the stage for the next three years in the first 7 pages.

Dick is shown standing up to bullies when he was a child and outnumbered. When he gets home, he apologizes to Alfred for getting into the fight. Of course, Alfred had the perfect response. “Master Bruce may feel you should only be a hero when wearing a costume. But I’m glad Dick Grayson steps up when someone is in need.”

Right after that, Nightwing swoops in to stop a gang from killing a three-legged puppy (that he later adopts), and heads home. Barbara Gordon is there with Alfred's will. Alfred leaves Dick Grayson a billion dollars.

Dick is confused about what to do with the money until he comes across a homeless father and son and a community of homeless kids. This is where Alfred's words about being a hero without a mask ring in Dick's head. Dick Grayson decides to use all of the money to turn Bludhaven into the city it should be.

We can all be better

Dick continued to point out a lot of things going on in the world. There are millions of homeless people around the world. People are in prison because they can’t afford bail making them criminals before they’re convicted. Dick was fortunate enough to have a billion dollars and connections to make his city a better place. Unfortunately, that’s not a privilege a lot of us have. Nevertheless, that isn’t the message here. It seems to me that the point here is to be kind and you can be a hero too.

Nightwing beat some people up and saved Bludhaven from awful people. He also played video games with a kid who admired him, adopted a puppy with one leg, and fed hungry kids. These are things we can all do.

It doesn’t take a billion dollars to be kind. Simple things like giving up a seat on public transportation or taking time to give people a phone call, text, or message can change someone’s day for the better. Think about the times you’ve seen random acts of kindness and how that made you feel. It can cause a chain reaction of happiness that can heal the world.

DC’s Pride-themed variant covers. Image courtesy DC Comics

Tom Taylor’s run ended with a beautiful moment with Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon, and their dog Haley over a version of Vincent van Gogh’s starry night. It was a conclusion with one last message. Never forget the people you love and the ones who helped you along the way. 

Writer Dan Watters (Destro) and Dexter Soy (Red Hood and the Outlaws) have big shoes to fill. Thankfully, they’re both amazing creators who will give Nightwing fans a new look at Dick Grayson, his life, and the people he encounters. When they begin their run, Caped Crusades will be here to report what’s going on.

What did you think of Tome Taylor’s Nighting? Did you have a favorite moment? We want to hear from you. You can email us at