Scott Snyder says Absolute Batman's is a "primal beast"

Scott Snyder reveals more about Absolute Batman. Also, the axe isn't for show. The DC Comics All In Dark Knight is chopping off body parts and it looks like it may have been Black Mask.
Absolute Batman No 1. Image courtesy DC Comics
Absolute Batman No 1. Image courtesy DC Comics

There has been a lot of buzz about DC Comics All In especially the upcoming title Absolute Batman. Among the things discussed are Bruce Wayne's size and the bat logo on his chest. At first, people hated it. It was big and clunky, unlike the Dark Knight symbol we’re used to seeing. Later, fans learn the logo is functional. Batman can take it off and turn it into an axe. It’s official. This isn’t Bruce Wayne from Earth-One.

"This Batman comes up in Crime Alley. He knows the villains in a different way." -Scott Snyder

During an interview (you can read it on the New 52 Batman writer Scott Snyder gave fans more information regarding All In’s Absolute Batman. First, we learn that there is one similarity to Earth-One’s Bruce. His parents died in Crime Alley. However, that's where the likeness stops.

Thomas and Martha Wayne are working-class people. And Alfred isn’t their butler. He’s, as says, “a grizzled former MI6 agent and mercenary who isn’t afraid to kick some butt and doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with Gotham’s new vigilante.” Scott Snyder says that Batman is still the planner we know, but he’s also, “chaos and anarchy. He's a big, primal beast.”

Absolute Batman No 1. Image courtesy DC Comics gives more information on what’s going on in Absolute Batman. The article says that Bruce will battle a “bulbous-headed Black Mask”. A few pictures online show Batman using his axe to cut Black Mask’s hand off.

The only confirmation of Absolute Dark Knight cutting off Black Mask's hand comes from an image on However, Scott Snyder saying his Dark Knight is chaos leads me to believe they’re real, especially the image on where Batman is throwing a goon through a window.

"I think the thing that worries me sometimes with Bruce is there are stories when it kind of feels like he's punching down in the main universe. And it's hard not to punch down when you're a generational billionaire," -Scott Snyder

Lastly, we come to Gotham City itself. Snyder says crime is up 500%. That may seem normal, but that’s high, even for the country’s worst city. Considering how much Thomas and Martha Wayne contributed to Gotham City on Earth-One, it makes sense Gotham would be worse.

The Waynes built orphanages, donated to worthy causes, and had multiple foundations dedicated to advancing their city. Their charitable nature was passed on to Bruce. It's a perfect example of how two people's lives can drastically affect an entire city. It’s no wonder Gotham is suffering.

It’ll be interesting to see how Scott Snyder explains everything. Why is Alfred paying close attention to Batman? Does he know that Bruce is Gotham's vigilante? Will Alfred eventually help him? What other villains will we see? Why did Snyder tease Riddler’s involvement? When Absolute Batman is published, Caped Crusades will have the answers.

Absolute Batman No. 1 will debut on October 9th

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