Batman steals a Green Lantern Ring: You weren’t concentrating

Green Lantern underestimated Batman during New 52: Justice League: Origin. When the Dark Knight stole the Power Ring off his finger, Hal never misjudged him again.
The Green Lantern is making fun of Batman | Justice League: War
The Green Lantern is making fun of Batman | Justice League: War | Flashback FM

New 52 isn’t one of DC Comics' best eras. Despite how people felt about it, there were good moments. Some of them made their way to animated projects. One came from Geoff Johns' Justice League: Origin which later became the animated feature, Justice: League War. Of course, it involves Batman.

Until Justice League: Origin and Justice League: War, people outside Gotham City didn’t think Batman existed. The assumption was he was an urban legend created in one of the worst cities in the world. Even the superhero community didn’t believe it. Then, Green Lantern Hal Jordan meets the Dark Knight and learns the Green Lantern's ring is nothing compared to the world's greatest detective.

After Hal and Batman avoid getting shot by cops, the Dark Knight and Green Lantern continue looking into the strange being they fought (it ends up being a parademon). As they search the sewers, Hal asks Batman what his powers are. Eventually, Hal realizes he's just a guy in a bat suit. Hal can’t believe it and starts yelling at Bruce. While Green Lantern loses his mind over what he learned, Bruce takes the Power Ring off Hal's finger.

Green Lantern is shocked. Batman says, “I don’t see any buttons so I guess it works on concentration. You weren’t concentrating. You–weren’t concentrating.” Hal says he won’t do that again. Batman replies, “Not unless I want to.” Lantern starts talking trash saying how he can create anything he thinks of. Of course, Batman had a snarky and simple response, “I’d be worried if I thought you could think.”

This interaction had to be done well in the comic books and the animated feature. It’s the most memorable moment of the volume. Justice League: War may have been better for two reasons. First, you could see the characters moving and hear their voices. Using your imagination is great, but seeing things can be just as good. The second is something that we don't see often. Batman smiled.

When Hal said, “Wait, you’re not just some guy in a bat costume are you?” Batman didn't say yes or no. He smirked. This showed a side of the Dark Knight we aren’t used to seeing. One where he understands the frustration in someone and he can’t help but find it comical. He knows how good he is and what his capabilities are. After he stole Green Lantern’s ring, I bet Hal understood that Batman is more than some random guy playing dress-up.

What did you think of this moment? Are there other Batman or Bat Family moments you want to be highlighted? We want to hear from you. You can email us at