Nightwing had one of the best years ever. After being made the leader of Earth’s premier superhero team after DC’s Dark Crisis, Dick Grayson fit into the role perfectly. It’s not surprising since he’s been leading people since he was a Teen Titan. Nevertheless, having the skills to do something and putting it into action are two different things.
Like any captain, Nightwing had bumps along the way. Amanda Waller imprisoned dozens of people with powers and sent heroes into hiding and his nemesis (Heartless) made him scared of heights (more on both topics later). That was just his superhero life. Dick Grayson was accused of murder and more. Despite all of that, he managed to defeat everyone he came across.
Since the year is almost over, it’s time to look back at Nightwing’s greatest moments of 2024. Here they are from worst to best with one honorable mention.
Tales Of The Titans has just been announced!
— ⚡️Nicola Scott⚡️ (@NicolaScottArt) April 19, 2023
Here’s my series of covers for the one-shots!
Colours by Annette Kwok
Making Donna Troy leader (honorable mention)
- Comic book: Titans No. 16
- Writer: John Layman
- Artist: Pete Woods
Self-awareness is a big part of a leader’s job and Nightwing understood that this work in Bludhaven as Dick Grayson distracted him from his life as a superhero. That's why he blames himself for not seeing Amanda Waller’s plan coming (Absolute Power). Instead of being bullheaded, Dick steps down and puts Donna Troy in charge.
The funny thing is Dick saw this coming. Back in No. 2 of Tom Taylor’s Titans, Nightwing put Donna in charge of a field mission while he stayed back. Maybe this is something Dick was planning for a while. He knows that he may not be around and figured it was time for someone else to lead.
— lucas meyer 🔜 CCXP K-38 (@lukmeyer30) February 4, 2024
5. Dick’s mind
- Comic book: Titans 14
- Writer: Tom Taylor
- Artist: Lucas Meyer
One of the many things Dick Grayson picked up from Batman is being prepared and keeping things to himself. Some can look at this as shady, but it’s needed. In this instance, it was the difference between life and a world ruled by Trigon and Evil Raven.
Dick partitioning part of his mind and only accessing it in a secret safe house is genius. Because, like Batman, he’s a human on a team with superhumans. He needs to be ready for anything including his teammates and friends turning to the dark side or mind-controled.
4. Playing video games with a kid
- Comic book: Nightwing 111
- Writer: Tom Taylor
- Artist: Sami Basri, Vicente Cifuentes
This was a moment that showed what makes Nightwing special. After a young boy's father is killed, Nightwing shows up to get information on the murder. Instead of getting right into things, he plays video games with him.
Dick understood that being a hero was more than catching the criminal. Sometimes the victim needs normalcy in their life after tragedy strikes especially when a kid is involved It’s a bonus when you’re the kid’s favorite hero and you're the picture on their pencil case.
Saw this is already out! Nightwing 96 Cover :) @TomTaylorMade @jesswchen @DCComics @thedcnation
— Bruno Redondo draws stuff (@Bruno_Redondo_F) June 17, 2022
Overcoming his fear
- Comic book: Nightwing No. 117
- Writer: Tom Taylor
- Artist: Bruno Redondo
Heartless knew taking Nightwing’s ability to complete death-defying jumps would stop Dick from being the hero he was known to be. This leads to him second-guessing everything. Despite his fear, Dick Grayson climbed mountains and more to get past his phobia. It also forced him to confront something from his past.
While this is fiction, the message is true. Getting over fears isn’t an easy task, but it can be done. Sometimes it means facing them head-on and getting help from people you trust, but it can be done.
2. Defeating Heartless
- Comic book: Nightwing No. 118
- Writer: Tom Taylor
- Artist: Bruno Redondo
Nightwing’s nemesis Heartless being someone from DickGrayson's past was a nice touch. Not only did he have to beat him as Nightwing, he was forced to clear his civilian name as well. The latter may be the best part.
Dick Grayson walked his dog right to Heartless to show the world that he wasn’t the murderer he was accused of being. There was a chance Heartless could kill him since he wasn’t in his Nightwing costume, but Dick dared to do it anyway. And when Heartless thought knowing Dick's secret would scare him, Dick replied that he knew his secret too and was ready to deal with the consequences. It was the mark of a true hero.
- Comic book: Nightwing No. 117
- Writer: Tom Taylor
- Artist: Bruno Redondo
1. Absolute Power
- Comic book: Absolute Power Nos. 1-4
- Writer: Mark Waid
- Artist: Dan Mora
This was more than Nightwing’s best moment of the year, it’s one of the greatest of his career. He was destined to be put in charge of protecting Earth and lead the premiere superhero team. Seeing him do it under these circumstances showed why.
The heroes being without their powers was only part of their struggle. It leads to insecurities and arguments among the heroes. This forced Nightwing to step up and be the leader they desperately needed. And he did it well. So much so that Mr. Terrific was shocked and Batman proudly said, "That's my boy."
First, Nightwing gave a speech to unite and motivate everyone. Then, when trouble struck (Absolute Power No. 2), he created a plan on the fly to keep people safe. When Big Barda was ready to kill Jon Kent Absolute Power No. 3, he stopped her because he had a secret scheme ready. Lastly, when it was time to take down Amanda Waller, he did it with precision, teamwork, and (of course) style.
What was Nightwing's best moment of 2024? Was it on this list? Did I miss one? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Bluesky, Instagram, and Twitter.