New 52 Batman’s Mr. Freeze retcon was a Gift and a Curse

During Batman New 52, Mr. Freeze's origin with Nora was changed and it may not have been for the good. However, it did make him more evil.
Batman: The Animated Series | Batman Defeats Mr. Freeze | @dckids
Batman: The Animated Series | Batman Defeats Mr. Freeze | @dckids | DC Kids

Some of you may not know this, but Victor Fries didn’t always go by Mr. Freeze. He was Mr. Zero back in Batman No. 121 (released in 1959). Eventually, he was changed to Mr. Freeze during the 1966 Batman episode "Instant Freeze". However, he gained his biggest level of popularity thanks to Batman: The Animated Series “Heart of Ice” where he received a reboot as a sympathetic antagonist.

Instead of robbing and killing for money, Victor Fries wanted revenge on Ferris Boyle for two reasons. Boyle helped cause the accident that left him in a condition where he couldn’t live without his cryogenic suit and almost killed Fries' wife, Nora, in the process.

"Tonight, I mean to pay back the man who ruined my life... our lives." Victor Fries

Despite doing an unauthorized experiment, people understood. Who wouldn't do everything they could to save their loved one? Plus, his anger and rage were justified. Ferris Boyle could have taken two seconds to listen. Victor probably would have gone quietly if Boyle hadn't sent his security officers to mess with tech that could have caused more damage than it did. Instead, he risked the safety of the people around him.

For most people, the Batman: The Animated Series origin is the recognized one. It was a heartwarming story that showed how even criminal deeds can be done for good reasons. So much so that it was adopted in the comics (post Crisis On Infinite Earths) and used again in HBO Max’s Harley Quinn. His death in that episode ("Thawing Hearts") was so devastating it left some viewers with tears in their eyes. This is why some people may have looked at his DC Comics retcon in Batman Annual No. 1 as disappointing.

"You never knew her, and yet you come back, time and time again." Batman to Mr. Freeze

Being honest is part of being a fan of someone’s art. In this case, there’s Scott Snyder. Snyder is a writer who helped keep Batman relevant when some DC Comics fans didn’t like New 52. He’s also doing fantastic work in Absolute Batman. Nevertheless, his retcon of Victor Fries never personally knowing Nora (whose last name is Fields and nost Fries) took away from what people liked about the character. It made him a creepy stocker. And then there’s the tragedy of his mother.

While they were on their way to build a snowman for a contest, she fell into freezing water. This leaves her in a constantly confused state. Rather than see her like this, Victor returns to the frozen water she previously fell in and pushes her into the same water. Except no one was called to help her.

Some can look at this as mercy, others may look at it as Victor murdering painfully, but one thing is certain. This is the beginning of Fries’ obsession with the cold. Batman mentions that the only thing Victor loves is the cold, but even he doesn't know how deep his infatuation goes.

What did you think of the retcon of Victor Freeze in DC Comics New 52? Do you like the Batman: The Animated Series version better? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Blue Sky, Instagram, and Twitter.