Detective Comics 1093: Mystery, Mayhem, Murder, and More

Tom Taylor’s Detective Comics continues to give fans everything they’d want from a Batman comic book but he’s also adding more to Bruce Wayne’s lore.

Batman #150 José Luis García-López Artist Spotlight Variant. Image courtesy DC Comics
Batman #150 José Luis García-López Artist Spotlight Variant. Image courtesy DC Comics

Tom Taylor’s Detective Comics has been a perfect balance of action, suspense, romance, and mystery, and issue No. 1093 was no different. What started as a brief origin of Scarlett Martha Scott meeting for the first time and a secret that could shake Bruce Wayne to his core quickly returns to the present where the Bat Family is protecting kids from death.

Detective Comics 1093

  • Writer: Tom Taylor
  • Art by: Mikel Janin
  • Colorist: Mikel Janin

It’s still unclear who the killer is, but we now have a name and it’s Asema. According to mystical lore, Asema is a type of vampire. It’s an appropriate name considering that they’re stealing blood to keep people young. Eventually, Batman confronts Asema and loses more than the battle. She took a sample of his blood and learned his secret identity.

While all the evidence is pointing towards Scarlett, this writer thinks this is a fake out. Since Asema is trying to prevent kids from becoming criminals, it would make sense that the person most affected by this would be the woman behind the mask and it isn’t Scarlett. It’s likely her mother, Evelyn. She was probably the first person to take the Sangraal Serum leading her to become a villain. Evelyn no doubt wanted to prevent anyone from suffering like she did. The only way to do that is to kill teenage delinquents before they become adult abusers.

Tom Taylor does a fantastic job of taking classic origins and adding to them. During his run of Nightwing, he switches the reason for the death of Dick Grayson’s parents. Instead of Tony Zucco planning on killing the Flying Graysons, he was really only after Dick. The plan was for them to be hurt forever. That’s on top of Dick learning he had a sister.

So far, some of the origin is being changed for Bruce Wayne as well. Earlier in this run, we learn there’s a chance Bruce’s father (Thomas Wayne) cheated on his mother, Martha. Issue No. 1093 starts with another major twist to Bruce's beginning. It looks like Tom Taylor is hinting that Joe Chill is Evelyn's ex and Scarlett's mother.

Whether or not that’s the case remains to be seen, but it seems likely. It would turn a random robbery into a person with a vendetta. A nice twist to a classic origin. How Bruce takes this information going forward will lead to a deeper and maybe more grim Dark Knight.

Are you enjoying Tom Taylor's Detective Comics? What do you think about the possible changes to Bruce Wayne's origin? Let us know on the Bam Smack Pow Bluesky, Instagram, and Twitter.