Newest DC All Access Features Lego Batman 3


Caped Crusades is here to update you on the newest DC All Access! In this episode DC All Access talks to Arthur Parsons, the Game Director for Lego Batman 3 Beyond Gotham, and we get our first look at actual gameplay for the game. Lego Batman 3 is due to come out this Fall and I need to pre-order it because I can’t wait to get my hands on it and review it for my Caped Crusades readers!

How cool is Beyond Gotham looking?! I was already excited about the game but now there’s really something to be excited about! It’s one thing to know the game is going to take place in space and another to see how that really plays out, we won’t just be flying ships but walking around on the outside of the Watchtower in spacesuits. Best of all we will get to play in the Watchtower, which if you have played DC Universe Online like I have you know it can be pretty cool to run around the Watchtower. The new Robin suit looks pretty cool and Arthur Parsons hinted that we may get to drive around a Batman Moon rover. This is speculation on my part of course, thinking that he wouldn’t have bothered to mention the Moon rover being in the Batcave without a possibility of getting to play it.

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