Captain America 3 Now Officially Up Against Batman/Superman


There’s been quite a lot of rumbling in the Geek-o-sphere about whether Marvel’s unannounced movie project, scheduled for May of 2016, would actually stick to its guns and go head to head with the upcoming Batman Vs Superman film. Some thought it would, some thought it was a ploy by Marvel to make DC blink and move its release date. After this weekend’s impressive performance of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Marvel has now officially slotted the third installment of that series into the same weekend as the “World’s Finest” film.


"Following the record-breaking premiere of Marvel’s “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” this past weekend, the First Avenger will jump into his next big screen solo adventure in just a little more than two years on May 6, 2016!Before the untitled “Captain America 3” hits theaters, though, fans can next see Cap when he joins the rest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes once more in Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron” on May 1, 2015!"

Since DC has already moved the release of Batman/Superman once already, and since there have been vague rumors that they may move up a weekend to get a jump on Marvel, there’s still a chance that both studios are just playing chicken. That could also mean that everyone stays put and fanboys have the ultimate geek conundrum in May of 2016. Only time will tell.

Image courtesy Entertainment Weekly.

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